How To Boost Your SEO

Adstrux Asia
5 min readSep 5, 2021


Do you know what’s your ranking of your website? And how can you boost your SEO?

This article is originally posted on on May 6,2021.

Search engine optimization (SEO) should be at the top of your priority list if you want people to find you via a Google search. If no one can find you, you won’t be able to generate leads for your business.

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

Did you know that 93% of online encounters begin with a search engine? When anyone conducts a search, what happens next?

On Google, the top result has a 33% probability of being clicked. That means if you’re not on the first page, you’ve just lost a third of your potential traffic. It is, however, not too late for you to begin.You can do a few things to improve your odds of being ranked higher in Google searches. Here, we share several tips to boost your SEO ranking.

1. Optimize page speed

The time it takes for a visitor to wait for your web page to fully load is referred to as page load speed.Web pages can take up to 15 seconds to load on mobile devices alone. This is bad news for your company because if a mobile page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, 53% of people will abandon it. But even so, before you can enhance your page, you must first determine what is slowing it down. Maybe it’s your page host’s fault, or maybe your site isn’t working properly. Too many images, external embedded media, too many ads, and double-barreled code are all possible issues. Work on identifying the source of the problem and making the required adjustments to increase the speed. Operate with a reputable host, use PNG images wherever possible, broadcast videos on your own servers, and keep your HTML/CSS simple.

2. Fix Duplicated Content

Any instances of duplicate content found on your site will be shown by Google Search Console. These are mostly due to canonicity errors (not plagiarism), but you do need to fix them to keep the site up to date.

3. Improve site navigation

Google aims to offer its users the best search engine experience possible. As a result, Google rewards websites that have a good user experience (UX). Making sure the site is easy to navigate is an important part of providing a positive UX. Visitors would most likely leave your site if they cannot find what they are searching for. This has an influence on your bounce rate, as well as the amount of time visitors spend on your site and the number of pages they visit. All of this has an impact on your rankings. Furthermore, inadequate navigation can give users a negative impression of your business. This will lead them to seek out what they require from your competitors.

4. Replicate backlinks from outdated, low-quality pages

There’s nothing illegal with stealing backlinks from your competitors. Here are several legitimate ways to observe and copy a competitor’s backlink technique. It makes no difference if they rank higher or lower than you. Consider the lack of traffic to your competitor’s website. As a result, it will assist you in improving your search ranking and driving huge traffic in one way or another. Or, at the very least, assist you in increasing your domain’s authority.Such domains that appear on the first page are given better ranking positions only if they have strong relation profiles. Each domain, however, will have its own connection profile. Individually, Google adores them and reflects this in its search engine performance. Otherwise, we may conclude that these domains meet or exceed Google’s requirements, and thus are listed here. Now, combine all of your competitors’ link profiles to strengthen your link profile. Isn’t your relation profile going to be very active? Your connect profile is now 10 times more effective than before, which will amaze Google. As a result, you will see a significant increase in your search engine rating.

5. Insert and improve your metadata

A meta summary, also known as a fragment, is a short paragraph that appears in the HTML code of each of your pages. Meta descriptions appear under page titles in search engine results and provide a more detailed explanation of a page’s function. Longer explanations (approximately 150 characters!) that wouldn’t match in page titles can be written here. Don’t stuff any of your keywords in there. Many content management systems allow you to make changes to the meta descriptions without having to go through the HTML. If you’re using WordPress, you can use plug-ins like All in One SEO Pack or Yoast SEO to add meta descriptions without having to deal with any code.

6. Fix broken backlinks coming to your site

Broken backlinks are inbound links from other websites that have broken. These usually arise as a result of:

  • You removed or transferred a page with backlinks;
  • The linking site linked to you incorrectly.

This isn’t the best situation. Not only are you losing future referral traffic, but you’re also losing the “link equity” from those connections if you have broken pages that many sites link to.That’s why, you should resolve this.

7. Include inbound and outbound hyperlinks

Another effective way to improve search engine optimization performance is to connect. Backlinking strategies can be difficult to understand. However, writing content that is worth linking to is the best way to maximise the amount of links back to your content. The more useful content you produce and post, the more likely it is that other websites will connect back to it. You’ll want to connect to your own web pages internally in addition to having external links back to your site. When you have the chance to connect to a related site page or blog post from inside your own material, take advantage of it. This will not only help you to improve your search engine optimization performance, but it will also enable you to lead readers to other relevant content.

8. Use effective header tags to target google featured snippets

There should be a title, a subtitle, and so on for each page on your website. If you use the proper text hierarchy, search engines will be able to better interpret your content as they scan your website. The title of your page is the most important element, and you should consider it as H1 (in the Text Editor). The H1 tag should be reflective of the page’s content, and no more than one H1 tag should be used per page. Select your title with consideration, and don’t forget to include your primary keywords. H2, H3, and so on follow your H1 in the header hierarchy. H1 stands for your title, while H2 and H3 stand for headings and subheadings, respectively. Search engines would have an easier time digesting your site’s content if your text structure is transparent.



Adstrux Asia

Made up of purposeful marketing mavericks which explains why there’re dreamers and maths genius. Flying a plane is possible because of the science.